Things I have Learned Over the Years.
by Lee Buller
Copyright 2004
The following are some things I would
like my children to know and to ponder. I am not successful in any of
these, but I do know they are true.
- Never lie - it will come back and get you.
- Do not choke up on a hammer, use the handle and
take full swings - move your finger out of the way.
- Learn the Ten Commandments - you'll keep out of
- Your good is not God's best.
- Make friends when you can - we all need friends.
- A close friend is a must - you will be enriched
to have a close friend to talk to.
- Leadership is hard and might be over rated - but
sometimes leadership is thrust on you.
- Always do the best you can - even if you fail.
- Walk away from a fight - but it you have to fight
- fight to win.
- Never say anything bad about anyone - at least not
in public.
- Remember, the vehicle with the most lugnuts wins
in an accident.
- Never flip-off anyone while driving - this is just
rude and it could lead to gun play.
- You should obey your boss - but don't break laws
for him or your own ethics - the job is not worth it.
- Learn, struggle, and strive to keep your sexual
desires in check - until you are married.
- Marry someone who will enjoy all aspects of the
- Women can make a man very stupid.
- Get a hobby - it will keep you sane
- Get more than one hobby - so you don't obsess over
- Find balance in your life in everything you do.
- Your job is not you.
- Your career is not all important - your career is
something you chose to do because it sounded neat.
- Change your career at any time - do not think you're
a failure for doing so.
- Be passionate about something.
- My Mother shared this with me when I was a young
man, "All you have to do in life is to breath in, breath out, breath
in, breath out,...."
- As you grow older keep active - stay off the couch,
get away from TV, and find physical activity
- As you grow older, do not eat like you did when
you were 20 - learn to eat properly.
- Obesity can or will kill you.
- Learn how to shoot a rifle, shotgun, and pistol
- just for fun if not for food.
- Learn how to fish - gives you time to think.
- Learn how to butcher what you shoot or catch - otherwise
you might go hungry.
- Go to church regularly - you might catch it.
- Read the Bible - daily or at least often. Once is
not enough. 1000 times is not too much.
- Pray regularly - this is good for the soul.
- When you do pray, ask God to bless you - then ask
him to bless others.
- Learn how to dance.
- Take a few minutes out each day and have some quiet
- On a regular basis, turn off the TV, do not read
a book, but just sit and let your mind wonder.
- Never take yourself seriously.
- Never get offended - this is a selfish act.
- As a man, don't throw away your role as a man because it is to
hard or it is inconvenient.
- God loves me - just for being human - even more
so for believing in Jesus
- I do not have to perform to obtain God's love -
that is so cool.
- Check your pockets for keys and wallet before leaving
the house - this keeps me secure
- When you build something, take the time to make
a sketch - saves time.
- Use your daily shower to think - just plain refreshing.
- Bless people - yes, actually say "bless you"
to people - blessings will come back in "spades!"
- When you argue with your wife, do it naked - you
won't argue for long.
- Find a way to have fun once a day - if you don't
you will pay for it later.
- If you are sad more than a week, seek medical help
- depression is not a good thing.
- Learn to love deeply.
- Love your children unabashedly.
- Love your children without strings attached.
- Tell your children you love them and do it at least
daily of not more.
- Tell your adult children that you love them each
time you see them or talk to them.
- Be careful with gasoline - just good advice.
- Make sure you make time for your wife and each child.
- Keep all body parts dry.
- Feelings are natural and good, but they must be
tempered with rational thought
- Rational thoughts should always be tempered with
your feelings.
- Relationships with people are very important.
- Take care of the vertical and the horizontal will
fall into place.
- Give - of your resources - time, money, love - it
will be returned to you 30, 60 or 100 fold.
- Mow your lawn different directions to you do not
make permanent tracks in the lawn.
- Do not look at porn on the internet - this is nasty
and could be addicting to you.
- Be a sexual being but do not abuse your sexual being.
- Encourage others - and you will make many friends.
- Change oil in your car every 3,000 to 4,000 miles.
- Smile - smiles are infectious.
- "Please" and "Thank you" are
good words - make a practice of using them.
- Respect and honor your elders - they have more experience
and wisdom.
- Honor your Ma and Pa - one of the ten - even if
they do drive you crazy.
- Family is very important - even the cousins you
don't see very often.
- Never brook stupidity.
- Accept ignorance - but teach the ignorant so they
will know.
- Stupidity is "knowing in your knower"
some knowledge, but failing to use that knowledge.
- Risk taking can be exhilarating and it can be dangerous
- be cautious.
- It seems common sense is in short supply - make
sure you have plenty stored up.
- Never try to beat a train.
- Kiss your mate everyday.
- Be kind - it is easy to be an asshole.
- Don't keep score against your mate.
- Forget the offense - forgive the offender - you'll
me much happier.
- Never go against God's anointed - Pastor, Profit,
Apostle, Teacher, Evangelist.
- Discipline your children at an early age and later
on you won't need to - they will know.
- Love does not mean you're a doormat.
- Fill up your car before you run out of gas.
- Be honest in all your dealings - dishonesty will haunt you and
come back to ruin you.
- Help your mate - even when she or he doesn't ask.
- Don't eat before you go to bed.
- Volunteer
- Teach somebody something - even when you don't know think you know
- Life long learning is life long.
- Learn how to cook - and learn how to cook more than one thing.
- Tip when it is appropriate - that is how people make a living.
- See a doctor regularly - this is really true when you get older
- Do not be afraid to go to the dentist regularly - dentistry has
become painless.
- Allow people to love you.
- Be modest - but don't fake it.
- Cry like a baby when you have to - it is good for the soul - there
is no shame in crying.
- Don't try to make sense out of something that is a mystry - it
will drive you crazy.
- Read a lot of books - fiction, non-fiction, history, etc.
- Be eclectic when it comes to music - it is all wonderful - a very
special gift.
- Learn First Aid.
- Learn CPR - really - you might save a life.
- Keep up on current events so you don't bore people talking about
things that happend years ago.
- Politics - it is OK to have politics, but don't take it seriously.
- Be practical when you can.
- Learn a trade.
- Do not allow your heart to break. Protect it at all costs.
- Be generous in giving love.
- When you become offended that is your is not a right.
- Be respectful to the professors but honor the garbage man - he
is doing something we don't want to do.
- Never look down your nose at anyone - they might be sitting closer
to Jesus at the banquet.
- Take pride in your accomplishments - but don't blow your horn too
- A person should read at least three literary classics in their
life time - more if you want.
- When backing always look back to see where you are going.
- Technlogy should not own you - use technology for your own benefit.
- Always plant grass in the fall.
- Make time to see a sunrise once in a while.
- Burping and "passing gas" is natural. Your system make
gas and it needs a way out.
- Communication is important to a relationship - it involves not
only speaking but listening.
- Realize when your children have become adults - work to create
a friendship bond.
- Great friends are priceless.
- Protect your heart from hurt - that is the way to anger and hatred
- not good for the soul or the body.
- Make sure you have a defense for your beliefs - at least know how
to explain your beliefs.
- When you give the responsibility of family finances, that person
becomes the boss.
- Check the mileage on your wife's car to see if you need to change
oil - don't rely on her to tell you.
- Admit when you are wrong - ask for forgiveness.
- Answer the phone with a smile - you can hear a smile on the other
- Learn personal public releations.
- Take a shower each day or at least regularly - especcially when
meeting someone on a date.
- Always carry ID with you.
- Find a way to erradicate anger from your life - you'll be free
to pursue love.
- Make out a Will when you have children.
- Know that someday you will have to bury your parents.
- Also know that someday you might have to help your mate bury parents.
- Someday, you will have to bury your mate.
- Think!
- Brothers and Sisters are priceless - but they can sure piss you
off in a heartbeat.
- Take your medication prescribed by your Doctor.
- Putting a bow tie on a pig does not change the pig's eating habits.
- Confession is good for the soul - but to it with great judgement
because it can ruin your reputation.
- Learn how to live life with abundance, or learn to live life with
more life.
- Live large - have fun - don't sweat the details - don't apologize
to those who live small.
- Keep your mouth shut - at least learn to think before throwing
up your brains.
- Cancer is hideous!
- Fear can be overcome with the help of Jesus.
- Anger is to love like a wet blanket is to a fire.
- Men need to learn to love their wives unconditionally
- Women need to respect their husbands unconditionally.
- Get help when you need it. Don't be proud about this which could
lead you to ruin.
- Forgive yourself! This is very important.
- Live in the here and now, but think about what you do now will
affect you in the future.
- You don't always have to give money to charities - your time is
just as good.
- Guys - remember to hug. It is a manly thing to do. Good for the
soul for both the hugger and the huggee
- It is OK to cry
- Keep your temper in check because it is very easy for temper to
get out of control.
- Sometime life doesn't give you "do-overs," but when you
can jump at the chance for a "do-over."
- Pray for people - it works, but it can take some time.
- Relax. Life is serious but most the time we put way to much stress
on ourselves.
- Be a Man
- Be a Woman